Innovation & Digital Transformation
The discipline of discovering and solving problems in new ways under conditions of uncertainty.
The real question to ask yourself is, “why aren’t we doing this today?”
All companies want to innovate, and some leaders and organizations already have an idea of what they want to be doing, but only a handful are doing it successfully.
We believe there are five key capabilities every organization needs to create a culture of innovation.
Key capabilities
Creating clarity in an environment of high uncertainty and change requires looking beyond the noise of today and exploring the possible future states of tomorrow, which will ultimately better inform our decision-making today.
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Key capabilities
Simply asking customers what they want does not work, in part because human beings often do not realize they have a need until a solution comes along and reveals it. Firms now need the mindset, skillset, and tools of User-centered design and Design thinking—techniques that push beyond talking and listening to customers by digging deep into who they are and what they want.
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Key capabilities
Many leaders downplay ideas when they clash with their beliefs or intuitions about what works. Or they discard ideas entirely because they sound too fantastical to ever find practical use. Divergent Thinking and Applied Creativity is a set of processes and approaches leaders can use to frame and reframe questions to explore multiple possible answers to those questions, and to recognize and then suspend judgement long enough to thoroughly explore fresh ideas as they emerge.
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Key capabilities
Disciplined Experimentation is a set of principles, processes, and tools that leaders can use to test ideas fast and cheap while guard-railing their downside. When faced with conditions of high uncertainty, these processes help leaders and their teams to say, “I don’t know,” and move forward.
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Key capabilities
Because digital technology is intertwined in everything we do and will continue to become more intertwined in the future, digital literacy has become the new lingua franca that all businesspeople must understand. To be a digitally literate leader doesn’t mean you need to be able to write code; it means that you understand the implications of digital technologies for your current and future business at any moment in time. It means you can answer, “How might technology disrupt our competitive position?” And equally, “How might technology improve our performance and delight our users?”
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3 principles for digital transformation
November 01, 2018
Help Your People Become Great, Later, by Helping Them to be Dreadful, First
July 01, 2017
Don't Waste Dumb Money: The 3 Things About Innovation Every Leader Should Know
May 01, 2017
How Innovation Leadership is Shaping the Future
December 01, 2016
Why Innovation Efforts Fail and How to Fix Them
April 01, 2016
Client stories
How do you achieve the culture of innovation needed to drive future growth? For a multinational technology company, this challenge is at the forefront.
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Client stories
In response to these broader trends and in order to best appeal to rapidly changing consumer preferences, a Spanish utility company started actively working on improving its customer experience.
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Client stories
Facing slow GDP growth and price pressure from shipping liners, a large port investor, developer, and operator is committed to re-igniting the culture of innovation that made the company successful in the first place.
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Client stories
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We believe meaningful results are achieved through a journey of learning, development, and execution. These insights allow us to create industry-leading products and experiences that can revolutionize your leadership.
We believe meaningful results are achieved through a journey of learning, development, and execution. These insights allow us to create industry-leading products and experiences that can revolutionize your leadership.
From mobile apps to connected portals, BTS creates immersive, interactive digital experiences that enable participants to build skills, align with organizational strategies, and drive results.
In these highly competitive markets and changing times, having an accurate understanding of a person’s capabilities has never been more critical. BTS offers assessments that evaluate a candidate’s fit within your company as well as the development areas of existing talent.
By combining our robust technology stack, our global footprint, and our innovative, research-driven approach, BTS has made leadership coaching more accessible than ever at a scale previously unimaginable.
Whether virtual, in-person, or a hybrid approach, BTS constantly innovates with top technologies and methodologies to elevate our agenda and deliver transformational experiences at every engagement.
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