Do your diversity initiatives promote assimilation over inclusion?
Do your DEI initiatives promote inclusion or assimilation? Check out this article in Harvard Business Review where Lacee Jacobs, Head of DEI at BTS, Mac Quartarone, Director, and Kate Hemingway, Senior Consultant, expand upon this key distinction.
How to become more comfortable with change
In the first episode of our podcast, FearlessThinkers, learn to counter the three most common change-averse mindsets in this conversation with Kathryn Clubb, Head of Change and Transformation, and Jeni Fan, Senior Director. Available now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
From strategy to execution: shifting mindsets and driving behaviors
What does it take to unlock successful strategy execution? In this whitepaper, Ignacio Vaccaro, Head of Strategy Execution and Business Alignment for BTS Europe, shares the secrets to successful strategy execution and the three most common barriers that prevent leaders from doing so.
Talent acquisition assessments
How do you anticipate what a candidate’s performance will look like before they’re on-the-job? Talent acquisition assessments that are modeled after the organization and role provide the most accurate, least biased way to predict hiring success.
Finding innovative solutions to advertise global products
From prototype to product, learn how a multinational conglomerate partnered with BTS to innovate its design operations during the pandemic.
Driving strategy execution virtually
What is a mid-level leader’s role in strategy execution? Learn how a packaging and processing company virtually shifted the mindsets of 2,000 managers in partnership with BTS.
BTS named a Training Industry Top 20 Sales Enablement and Training Company 2022
We’re so excited to announce that Training Industry has named BTS a Top 20 Sales Training & Enablement Company for 2022. BTS was selected for its breadth and quality of offerings, innovation, and growth.