Case Study

A journey to a leadership pipeline…


Client need

Committed to safely, reliably, and affordably providing clean electricity for the future, one of America’s largest electric utilities companies recognized the need to develop and retain top talent across a variety of roles and levels, specifically focusing on first level leaders.

The solution…

The organization partnered with BTS to create a nine-month leadership development journey that:

  • Used a blended learning approach with simulations, assessments, and coaching to give aspiring leaders a realistic preview of leading and managing a team, no matter where these leaders were geographically located.
  • Provided individual contributors with a virtual personal feedback coach detailing their strengths and development areas.
  • Crafted a personal development plan by using data from assessments and coaching feedback with each participant.
  • 93% reported changes in their leadership capabilities.
  • 68% increase in Leadership Quality and Sense of Well Being.
  • 60% of participants placed into leadership positions within one year of the program.

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