Case study
A telecommunications company was undergoing a transformation; they were shifting from a traditional Telco (Telecommunications Operator) to a TechCo (Technology Company) Platform business. The organization recognized that human-centric leadership would be critical for achieving and maintaining this future state.
Previously, the company had excelled in efficient execution, but also struggled with employee engagement and waning buy-in. To foster a higher level of employee engagement and leadership maturity, which would positively contribute to the company’s long-term success, the organization decided to create an executive development journey. As part of the solution, the organization partnered with BTS. Together, the organization and BTS elected to leverage insights from Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, the best-selling book that helps leaders tap into their teams’ native genius to produce better business outcomes, in the solution. Leveraging this approach would help them implement the new human-centric leadership framework across the organization.
The executive leadership development journey included the following:
Unlike many traditional development programs, a relatively large portion of the workshop, approximately 30 percent, was spent on individual action planning through coaching, as well as collective team action planning through a facilitated working session. This allowed the CEOs to more effectively take ownership of sustaining the learnings from the program. Leaders actively put insights into practice on the job, cultivating new leadership habits over time.
As a result, the program captured these key metrics:
To date, 250 leaders have been through the program
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