Case Study
to build a better world
To support this world leading mining company as they implement a new business operating system.
Their strategy was to apply industry-leading capabilities to world-class assets. Being an excellent operator is fundamental to this strategy. Their 4-year safety and productivity strategy journey has yielded significant benefits; however, they feel that they can be better. They believed that the world’s best companies improve faster than their peers and share a systemic approach to improving safety and productivity captured in an operating or production system. They wanted to differentiate from their competitors by providing consistent operational outperformance. Their operational capability must be underpinned by world-class manufacturing systems and processes, and a productivity-enabling culture. Their end goal was to align around their strategy, operating philosophy and principles in order to become a truly great company. One that leads the sector, keeps their people safe, develops and builds capability in our people, generates outstanding shareholder returns, and meets the expectations of their communities and other stakeholders.
The new business operating system would change the way they work through leadership practices, mindsets and behaviours, and systems and processes.
Mindset and behaviour shifts were coached through the deployment of the management practices supported by the on the ground practice of ‘coaching and feedback’..
“This coaching program developed my skills to not only get the best out of myself but also to start getting more out of those I work with.”
“I have never been through a training program before that focused on my interpersonal development to this scale. So many so called ‘soft’ skills that I think would be valuable to so many other people that just are not aware they exist or how to apply them. Leading organisations that want to develop their people would do well to send people on this program, I don’t think there are ‘levels’ in the organisation where this would start to be useful, I think all levels would gain some benefit”.
“This coaching series was perfectly timed and I was able to implement the learning for the training immediately and continuously improve by coaching skills and effectiveness!”
BTS had supported the company in the rollout since April 2020, through the offering of three coaching programs, supported by simulations:
The solutions offered must assist in helping the implementation impact in the most effective way. Skills are to be respected and leveraged, people were empowered to think big and make a difference and their time is to be spent on improving and making each day better than the last.
BTS assisted with empowering people through connecting them to their purpose, developing their capabilities to drive continuous improvement and empower them to bring forward their ideas and act on them.
Experience Great Coaching:
Business Benefits:
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