Help Your People Become Great, Later, by Helping Them to be Dreadful, First

BTS Head of Innovation Peter Mulford explains that deep learning occurs when leaders not only learn skills and but also practice their application.

The Shift To Inside Sales (and What It Means For Outside Sales)

BTS Sales Analyst Andrew Dornon explains trends in the increasing responsibilites of inside sales reps and the need for field reps to reorient their roles.

A Sales Training Program Isn’t Enough: Drive Change Through Small, Structured Risks

BTS Sales Analyst Andrew Dornon explains that breaking down practice cyles into smaller steps are helpful in training sales leaders to confront risk-taking moments.

Awesome Product Training Shows the Sales Force Why Customers Will Care

BTS Sales Analyst Andrew Dornon describes why product training for sales representatives that makes them knowledgable about how the solution is affecting their client is effective.

The 3 Critical Components of Decision Making for Better Strategy Implementation

The rate of change in the business world today is unprecedented and increasing exponentially. Yet the process of decision making has not materially changed, causing organizations to struggle to keep up or make rushed decisions that turn out poorly. In discussions with client leaders, we have heard them emphasize the importance of efficient and effective decision making, but express dissatisfaction with their organization’s current capability.To explore this challenge of how to build effective decision-making capability within organizations, BTS partnered with a team of MBA students from The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. Together, we interviewed a variety of BTS’s clients across several industries—including retail, shipping and logistics, manufacturing, IT, and financial services—to learn more about how decisions are being made within large organizations.

The Best Sales Methodology: One That Gets Put To Work

Andrew Dornon explains why sales training failures and shares three preventative principles — content, intervention, and execution support.

The 3 Principles of Digital Disruption: What we can learn from a mattress company

We are in an age in which software is “eating the world,” as Marc Andreessen put it; in which there are only the disruptors and the disrupted. The road to becoming a disruptor is no easy task, but examples outside the world of software and technology like Casper and WikiHouse show that the same disruptive principles used by some of the leading tech companies can be successfully applied in any industry. Empowering users to lead solution design, simplifying customer interactions at every turn, and adopting a microservices mindset are actions that all businesses can take.

Thawing the Frozen Middle: How to Drive Performance and Engage Middle Managers

Middle leaders are a critical resource in large organizations, with high leverage to strategy execution, operational business performance, and human productivity. However, research has shown that they are often overlooked, undervalued, and under-invested within the enterprise. Thus, organizations looking to drive improved performance may find high value returns on clarifying and simplifying roles for middle leaders, and investing in more robust approaches to acquiring and developing them.

Leadership is Relentlessly Contextual and Here is Why

It has long been argued that great leadership skills are transportable, but we have found that leadership is actually relentlessly contextual.

Unlocking Potential: The 4 Steps for How to Move Leaders from Knowing to Doing

Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo explains how to move from “knowing” to “doing” and shares four steps (L.E.A.D.) in developing leadership capabilities.