Belonging: the path to speaking up when you see bias

In this article Michael Seitchik, explores why the path to creating a culture of belonging is paved by speaking up.

Step Back to Leap Forward: Why Leaders Need to Pause Often to Take Stock

This blog post argues that leaders need to step back and take stock of their goals, strategies, and actions regularly.

7 Leadership Skills for the(Un)foreseeable Future

The Innovation and Digital Transformation team identifies seven new leadership skills for leaders to keep in mind in 2019 and beyond.

Why today’s problems need both/ and thinking

This article lays out the power of both/and thinking for business leaders and teams and provides insights on how leaders overcome challenges.

Rethinking Leadership: Understanding the “Genius” of Your Team

This blog post explores the concept of team genius and its potential to drive innovation and creativity in organizations.

The danger of saying yes: How doing it all minimizes your leadership

In this blog post, we highlight the risks of overcommitting and the importance of saying “no” as a leader.

Building client relationships: ask great questions

This blog argues that effective questioning can help deepen understanding, foster collaboration, and drive better outcomes.

How to deal with difficult people in meetings

This blog includes tips on how to deal with difficult people in meetings to have productive meetings every time.

The High Price of Being a Low Energy Leader

In this blog post, we explores the impact of low energy leadership on individuals, teams, and organizations.

The problem is we don’t agree there’s a problem: Why you’re struggling to influence

This blog post examines the challenges of influencing others when there is disagreement about the existence or severity of a problem.