In your organization, you might refer to these roles as VPs, GMs, Directors, or Senior Managers. What they all have in common is that they sit between your Executive team and your Front-Line Leaders.
When developed with a new lens, senior — or mid-level — leaders become the superglue in modern organizations. They can manage workplace tension, synthesize all facets of diverse thinking, and propel an organization forward. Leveraging their mature business perspective to light the path forward, mid-level leaders are the key to preserving institutional wisdom while coaching the fast growth and development of talent amidst the unprecedented pace of workflow evolution.
During this 45-minute webinar, we’ll share the two mindsets required to rejuvenate fatigued senior leaders and allow them to seize moments where constant change blossoms into unlimited and untapped opportunities.
This webinar is best suited for Leaders in Talent, Learning, and Development.
Jerry Connor
Global Head of Leadership, BTS
Jim Perry
VP of Learning Design, BTS
Katrin Schwabe
Head of BTS East, Leadership & Coach Practice, BTS
Lianne Yee
Global Head of Leadership Products, BTS
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