Executives and teams
Advising CEOs, C-level Leaders and their teams throughout the leadership lifecycle
We are a premiere partner to senior executives at the world’s leading companies. BTS Executive Advisory is a unique partnership for top leaders who are moving into high stakes roles or driving critical business strategies that have enterprise impact.
Beyond traditional executive coaching, BTS Executive Advisory provides leaders with an experienced partner who has deep expertise in advising top executives in some of the world’s most valuable companies.
Real-time access to the Advisor allows executives to keep pace with strategic decision-making, team performance, organizational engagement and alignment, formal and ad-hoc communications and achieving their own personal leadership goals.
Executive Advisory offers unlimited support without the restriction of “maximum meetings.” We’ll focus on increasing the leader’s impact and building their personal brand with all audiences to instill ongoing confidence in the strategy, buy-in for initiatives, and excitement to work in and with their newly created organization.
President, Major Health Insurance Company
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