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The BTS Newsletter includes articles, case studies and more addressing today's topics, challenges and innovations in strategy execution.
Our December newsletter features content design to help you lead boldly into the future with fresh strategies for developing leaders, transforming sales, and leveraging your meetings as cultural catalysts. Plus, explore new research on evolving customer expectations, innovative meeting strategies, and learn why “next practices” are the key to future relevance for CEOs.
In our November newsletter, explore how you can use organizational culture to drive growth, gain insights on CEO succession planning, and celebrate BTS’s Brandon Hall award wins with our clients! Plus, get expert perspectives on strategic planning and Revenue Growth Management (RGM) from BTS leaders.
In our September newsletter, discover holistic strategies for revenue growth, tips for developing your General Managers, and insights on building a customer-centric sales approach. Plus, explore the latest AI-powered sales performance tool, decision-making best practices, and more.